My Degree & Me Scholarship

My Degree and Me Scholarship 

The purpose of this scholarship is to give back directly to the students. We live in a social media era where people discuss everything but career goals and plans for the future. Instead of being against social media I created this scholarship to benefit those who use it correctly. The internet has expanded the minds of many and it has provided a platform to change the live of many. Those student who are able to share captivating stories about how they plan to use their degree will be rewarded by receiving this scholarship. In 2019 we gave away a total of $1,000 to three lucky students at Winston Salem State University. 1st place won $600, 2nd place won $200 and a custom jacket, and  3rd place won $200 and prize pack. We look forward to you helping us make next year's presentation even bigger!
1. Full time student
2. 3.0+ GPA
3. Extracurricular Activity Involvement
4. Social Media Video: My Degree & Me
- In this 1 minute video the applicant will briefly explain what they plan to do with their degree in a creative way.

In the spirit of service I’d like to announce the “My Degree & Me” pop up scholarship. Students at their respective university will have the chance to win a small cash “Homecoming Relief” prize.

The post must include:
-school pride (also area code)
-academic achievement
-post graduation plans

To enter send a copy of your unofficial transcripts to & Tag @Bryant_Consulting , in your video post
Donate Here

2020 Recipient of the My Degree & Me Scholarship 

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